Saha Udyog Foods

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Nutritional Facts About Soya Chunks

You have heard before that soya chunks have the ability to provide a person with fantastic health. Starting right from helping with maintaining an ideal weight to helping with maintaining blood sugar levels. Well, given we all know the benefits of soya chunks, do you know the facts about nutritional facts of soya chunks? Well, if you are unaware, then let us help you out.


Grab a soya chunk packet, and we will help you figure out the nutritional facts. However, make sure you visit Saha Udyog Foods to get your soya chunks, as they are not just one of the finest providers of the best food quality but also provide everything at the most affordable price.


Nutritional Facts About Soya Chunks.

Knowing the nutritional facts about soya chunks will surely help you out. So, here are some of them.

Fact # 1: Calorie Check. 

Every food item is decked with calories, but the intake depends on you. For instance, with soya chunks, for every 100 grams, a person consumes 345kcal. So, if you are consuming soya chunks daily, you might want to check the portion that you are consuming. Be intelligent about it. Make sure you are not over consuming it.

Fact # 2: A Factory for Protein! 

Soya chunks are known to be a factory for protein. But, consuming more than what is needed can pose a danger. Studies say abundant consumption of soya chunks covers the required rate of protein consumption in both men and women, which is 56 grams and 46 grams, respectively. Moreover, for vegetarians, soya chunks can be a replacement for any meat protein.

Fact # 3: Perfect for People Who are on Their Fitness Journey. 

Whether you are trying to build muscles or you are trying to lose, soya chunks can be a perfect item for you to consume. From having protein, they have less fat content, which is all the better. Moreover, they are the storehouse of iron, and even vitamins A and C, and even calcium.

Wrapping it Up! 

Soya chunks can be an absolute delight when it comes to consumption. But you have to make sure that you buy it from the right place, where the quality is verified, and you will get the right price. Therefore, we advise you to check out Saha Udyog Foods. They have the best quality soya chunk packet and are even known to provide soya chunks wholesale.Â